Anti-Slavery Statement
March 15, 2024
Mondas is committed to providing a work environment that is free from human trafficking and slavery by promoting ethical employment practices and will not knowingly work with companies that employ or utilize forced labour.
Our Committment to Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficing
This statement has been established by the Mondas Board of Directors to affirm Mondas’ commitment to ensuring that there is no human trafficking or slavery in any part of our business or our supply chain.
Modern slavery including slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking is a criminal offence under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Mondas have identified that it’s supply chain is the area of it’s business where there is a risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place and therefore have adopted a strategy of ensuring that anti-slavery and human trafficking practices are followed and staff awareness is conducted within it’s suppliers. Mondas are committed to conducting its business ethically and morally and in performing it’s business Mondas will openly encourage and support any staff reporting any suspected incidents of modern slavery in any form. Mondas conducts annual anti-stavery awareness training for its staff and an anti-slavery policy has been produced and is available to all staff.
Related Policies
- Anti Slavery Policy
Policy Non-Conformance
A violation of this statement and supporting policy documents may result in disciplinary action which could include termination of the employment of an employee or the termination of contractual relationships with third parties, contractors or consultants.
A violation of this policy and misuse of Mondas or our clients systems or information may also be a breach of legislation which at our discretion may result in Mondas taking legal action against an individual or organisation.
Document Owner and Approval
This policy is owned by the Director of Sales and the Senior GRC Consultant is responsible for keeping it up to date.
The current version of this document is available to all users and is published in the Policies folder or shared with consultants and contractors where required.
This policy will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it meets our business needs and any changes to legal and regulatory obligations.