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ISO 27001

Improve your business’ security posture by certifying to ISO/IEC 27001.

What is ISO 27701

ISO / IEC 27001 an international standard for managing Information Security. It defines the industry practises an organisation should implement to best protect its systems, people and data. Accordingly, ISO / IEC 27001 provides guidelines regarding the establishment, implementation, and management of an Information Security Management System (ISMS), with the broader aim of assisting organisations in protecting themselves against cyberattacks, and securing their sensitive information. The certification is not a legal requirement for businesses within the UK, but it is useful for all companies that collect, store, transmit, or dispose of data.

How We Work:

Mondas’ consultants are experienced in helping organisations to certify to ISO 27001. Whether this involves internal compliance assistance to aid with a resource gap, or a formal Information Security compliance GAP assessment and project plan, our team will be able to help. When helping an organisation prepare for their audit, our team will generally undertake the following process:

Assessing: Our compliance specialists will assess your current environment through key stakeholder interviews, reviewing your existing documentation, and business objectives to assess your security controls, strategies, and technical capabilities. This will help identify GAPs and areas for improvement and build the implementation plan and timeline to fit your business requirements.

Strategising: Our compliance specialists will then design the ISO 27001 implementation plan for your organisation. This will contain advice and recommendations on how to improve your cybersecurity posture, and remediate any vulnerabilities identified in your business. This strategy will be created in line with any budgets, timeframes, and objectives outlined by your organisation.

Operationalising and Monitoring: Our vCISO will assist you in implementing your cybersecurity roadmap, and engage in the areas of your business earmarked for support. The outcomes of your new strategy will be monitored and reported on, and your overall security posture will be assessed.

Evaluating and Improving: Our vCISO will evaluate your new cybersecurity strategies to ensure that they are effectively remediating any vulnerabilities, and meeting your compliance and policy requirements. The outcomes will also be evaluated against your wider business goals. Where room for improvement is identified, the appropriate changes will be strategised and implemented.

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Key Benefits of Certifying to ISO 27001:

There are many benefits derived from certifying to ISO 27001. The main advantages include:

Compliance: – Implementing an ISO/IEC 27001 standard ISMS will ensure that your business achieves compliance with the relevant security laws and regulations.

Reputation: – Certifying to ISO/IEC 27001 will demonstrate your business’ commitment to data security, thereby enhancing your reputation and engendering customer trust.

Cost Savings: – Creating an ISO/IEC 27001 compliant ISMS will ensure you only implement the security controls you need, meaning you can make efficient use of your budget.

Reduced Risk: – Implementing an ISO/IEC 27001 compliant ISMS will strengthen your organisation’s resilience to cyber attacks and minimise information security risks.

Efficiency: – ISO/IEC 27001 standard ISMS’ engender efficiency by streamlining an organisation’s processes and enabling expeditious documentation.

Data Protection: – Certifying to ISO/IEC 27001 will help to ensure that your organisation is well equipped to protect all the sensitive and confidential data it stores.

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Get in contact with our experts to find out how our experts can help you prepare for certification.

Why You Should Choose Mondas:

Flexible Resource

Our consultants will work to meet your needs as and when they come, regardless of their complexity. Our service offers capabilities across all compliance domains; from internal assistance which aids a resource gap, to formal GAP assessments and project plans, we will be here to help. Whether it’s a short or long term engagement, we will be able to step in and drive the process for you, saving you the time and money it takes to hire your own internal team.

Skilled Staff

Our compliance services utilise only the most highly experienced and accredited consultants to step in and assist your business in preparing for certification. We will ensure that the individual we assign to your team is well equipped to manage your specific needs, meaning you can be confident in our ability to successfully support your certification process.

Specialist Support:

Our GRC team has a rich wealth of experience working as consultants for a wide range of organisations across a huge variety of industries. This means that they are highly attuned to the different challenges and obstacles which are currently facing businesses like yours. Accordingly, you can be confident in their ability to offer relevant and informed support throughout your certification process.

Cost Effective

Mondas is committed to providing advanced cybersecurity solutions at price points that work for all businesses. This means we will tailor our compliance services to align with your budgetary constraints without compromising; we provide protection using expert consultants and leading technology in every engagement.

Tailored Solutions

Our services are fully adapted to the needs of each client. Each business boasts an entirely unique portfolio of factors which must be considered when creating an effective ISMS. This means it is crucial for our consultants to offer tailored advice to support the creation of a compliant system. We will assign a dedicated consultant to your business, which will ensure that the individual you work alongside has a comprehensive understanding of your business and its compliance requirements.