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Penetration Testing

Let our security experts discover your vulnerabilities before cybercriminals do.

What Is Penetration Testing:

If your business suffers from any network vulnerabilities, cybercriminals will seek to exploit them. Penetration testing involves the deployment of simulated cyber attacks against your network to locate these vulnerabilities so they can be remediated. These tests emulate the attacks that would be conducted by cybercriminals in order to determine the strength and effectiveness of your defences. In this way, penetration testing enables businesses to preempt any cyber attacks, and enhance the security of their defences.

CREST Certified

Penetration testing involves an external party to your business intentionally attacking your systems to determine how secure they are. This means that your critical systems and data will be accessible to this party. Accordingly, it is vital for you to employ testers you can trust.

Our penetration testers are CREST certified. This means that they have been subject to rigorous audit and accreditation processes which have determined that they are knowledgeable, skilled, and competent in conducting penetration tests. The certification ensures that our team only uses the skills, strategies, and techniques which align with industry standards and provide quality assessments. This leaves you confident in the skills, reliability, and trustworthiness of our penetration testing professionals.

Managed Security Services diagram

Our Service

Network Penetration Testing

Your internal network has a variety of points of attack for hackers, from systems and hosts to various networking devices. Mondas’ network penetration test consulting services help you discover which parts of your network are most vulnerable.

Cloud Computing Penetration Testing

Whether you work with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or any other cloud service provider large or small, we’ll help you conduct quick and effective cloud computing penetration testing. This will ensure the safety and security of data handled by any cloud vendors or partners.

Firewall Penetration Testing

A firewall monitors the incoming and outgoing traffic of your network, and works to filter out and detect various forms of malware, phishing, and other forms of cyber attacks. Our external penetration testing will help detect any gaps or weaknesses in your current firewall setup.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Mondas can conduct web application pen testing via either a Whitebox or Blackbox approach, in conjunction with manual inspection and reviews. We’ll guide you through the entire process, from information gathering and identity management testing to cryptography and client-side testing.

Web Application Firewall Testing

Web application firewalls protect businesses by filtering and monitoring traffic between their applications and the internet. Mondas’ WAF testing ensures that your web application firewalls are operating efficiently, and effectually protecting against attacks.

Hardware Penetration Testing

Physical servers, personal computers, and company-issued laptops are all vulnerable hardware entry points. Use Mondas’ hardware penetration testing services to secure all your organisation’s physical endpoints.

Mobile Penetration Testing

Mobile and smartphone devices have become indispensable for most businesses today. Whether it’s an iPhone, Android, or any other connected device, work with Mondas to conduct mobile external penetration testing to secure all organisational data handled on smartphones.

Compliance Penetration Testing

Mondas offers a variety of penetration testing services that aid businesses in gaining compliance with relevant agencies and regulatory bodies. This includes PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and NIST penetration testing that helps prevent any fines or penalties that may result from non-compliance.

Application Programme Interface Testing

APIs enable communication and data exchanges between software systems. Mondas offers API testing to evaluate an application program interface to ensure that it fulfils its functionality remit, and assess its reliability, performance, and security.

Red Teaming

A Red Team Operation from Mondas will exceed the remit of traditional security testing by rigorously challenging the effectiveness of technology, personnel, and processes, to detect and respond to a highly targeted attack conducted over an extended period of time.

Our Managed SOC service combines our most popular managed services into a single package to provide comprehensive cyber security coverage at a very attractive price.

How Our Penetration Testing Works

Mondas’ penetration testing service provides comprehensive threat protection for your business. We conduct on demand, proactive security testing that allows you to assess whether your cyber defences are acting as expected. This ensures that we are well positioned to remediate any vulnerabilities in your business before they are targeted in cyberattacks.

Testing: Our team will deploy controlled cyber attacks against your network to locate your business’ vulnerabilities. These assessments will use the same tools and techniques as cybercriminals, to emulate real threats and determine the strength and effectiveness of your defences. Depending on business preference, these penetration tests can be conducted remotely or on premises.

Reporting: The results of our tests will be compiled into reports which provide a comprehensive overview of your security posture. Mondas produces both technical and executive reports, which ensures that the information will be accessible to both your technical and non-technical team members. Our reports will outline the tests we conducted, the vulnerabilities we detected, and the actionable changes we advise.

Implementation: Depending on business preference, our analysts will either patch the detected vulnerabilities for you, or direct your IT Team to redress these themselves. This will ensure that cybercriminals cannot exploit these weaknesses as entry points to your systems.

Retesting: – Our team will conduct secondary tests to ensure that the patch management has been successful, and your vulnerabilities have been effectively remediated. If any vulnerabilities remain active, these will be eliminated. This will ensure that your business does not retain any weaknesses for cybercriminals to exploit.

Management: – We will work with you to establish a plan moving forwards. Mondas offers regular penetration testing services, or vulnerability management solutions. Both of these options will help to ensure that your business remains secure and uncompromisable.

Book a consultation…

Book in a consultation with one of our experts to understand how our penetration testing services can help you tighten your security controls.

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Key Benefits of Penetration Testing

Our penetration testing service provides many benefits to our clients:

Complete visibility: – Your business will gain visibility into whether your systems, data, and critical assets are at risk, and whether you are well equipped to defend against cyber attacks.

Reduction of risk: – Penetration testing will give you the opportunity to address your vulnerabilities before malicious actors locate and exploit them.

Compliance assessments: – Penetration testing gives your business the opportunity to assess its security standards against industry and compliance regulation requirements.

Prioritise future investments: – By highlighting your vulnerabilities, penetration testing will ensure that you prioritise your future strategy efficiently around solutions that will deliver the greatest benefit to your business.

Expert advice: – Your business will benefit from the guidance and expertise of our team, who will help to enhance your security posture and defence capabilities.

Proactive mitigations: – Our team will leverage the knowledge they gain from assessing your vulnerabilities to produce policies and strategies which help to prevent future attacks.

Why You Should Choose Mondas:

Tailored Solutions

Our services are fully adapted to the needs of each client. Each business operates in its own sector, and therefore has different laws and regulations that it must comply with. This means it is crucial for our consultants to offer tailored advice to support the creation of an effective Policy Suite. We will assign a dedicated consultant to your business, which will ensure that the individual you work alongside has a comprehensive understanding of your business and its compliance requirements.

Flexible Resource

Our consultants will work to meet your needs as and when they come, regardless of their complexity; we will help you meet your particular needs, whether this means amending your current policies, or rewriting them from scratch. Whether it’s a short or long term engagement, we will be able to step in and drive the policy building process for you, saving you the time and money it takes to hire your own internal team.

Skilled Staff

Our compliance services utilise only the most highly experienced and accredited policy specialists to step in and assist your business in building a Policy Suite. We will ensure that the individual we assign to your team is well equipped to manage your specific needs, meaning you can be confident in our ability to successfully create and implement relevant policies.

Specialist Support

Our policy specialists have a rich wealth of experience working as consultants for a wide range of organisations across a huge variety of industries. This means that they are highly attuned to the legal and regulatory requirements facing businesses like your. Accordingly, you can be confident in their ability to offer relevant and informed support throughout your policy building process.

Cost Effective

Mondas is committed to providing advanced policy suite services at price points that work for all businesses. This means we will tailor our compliance services to align with your budgetary constraints without compromising; we provide protection using expert consultants and leading technology in every engagement.

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