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Improve your business’ security posture using a virtual CISO.

What Is A vCISO?

A virtual chief information security officer is an outsourced information security specialist that aids your organisation in enhancing its security posture. These individuals use their wealth of security expertise to provide a range of services which support your business in planning and executing effective cybersecurity strategies. The impartial nature of these outsourced individuals means that they will act as an extension of your business to offer unbiased cybersecurity expertise, strategies, and assessments.

Virtual CISOs work on a retainer basis to support your business’ specific operations, meaning that the scope of their role will be defined by your needs. Depending on these needs, a vCISO will be able to assist in:

Managed Security Services diagram

Aligning cybersecurity goals with business objectives

Crisis management

Defining response plans

Developing and implementing cyber security strategies

Implementing privacy and security policies, standards, and procedures

Managing and directing your security teams

Managing and optimising your security stack

Meeting compliance obligations

Performing risk assessments

Providing online security training for employees

Relaying threat intelligence

Upskilling your existing analysts and recruiting new talent

How a vCISO Service Works…

Mondas’ vCISO representatives provide a huge range of information security capabilities. They will work as an extension of your organisation to upholster your current cyber strategies, and implement enhanced processes and protections. To do so, they will undertake the following process:

Our vCISO will contextualise their job within your current organisational processes and protections. They will do this by interviewing your key stakeholders and reviewing your existing documentation to assess your security controls, strategies, and technical capabilities. This will help to ensure that our vCISO has a deep understanding of your business’ aspirations and vulnerabilities, and is well positioned to bolster your cyber security.

Our vCISO will then create a security roadmap for your organisation. This will contain advice and recommendations on how to improve your cybersecurity posture, and remediate any vulnerabilities identified in your business. This strategy will be created in line with any budgets, timeframes, and objectives outlined by your organisation.

Operationalising and Monitoring:
Our vCISO will assist you in implementing your cybersecurity roadmap, and engage in the areas of your business earmarked for support. The outcomes of your new strategy will be monitored and reported on, and your overall security posture will be assessed.

Evaluating and Improving:
Our vCISO will evaluate your new cybersecurity strategies to ensure that they are effectively remediating any vulnerabilities, and meeting your compliance and policy requirements. The outcomes will also be evaluated against your wider business goals. Where room for improvement is identified, the appropriate changes will be strategised and implemented.

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Key Benefits of a vCISO

Your business will benefit hugely from engaging with a virtual CISO. The main advantages include:

Cost effective: – Using a vCISO is a cost effective alternative to hiring an internal CISO, which is challenging, expensive, and laborious.

Experienced security expert: – Your business will benefit from the guidance and assistance of an independent and highly accomplished security expert.

Enhanced security posture: – vCISOs will improve your security standards by identifying your vulnerabilities, and providing a roadmap to redress and overcome these.

Flexibility: – Virtual CISOs can be engaged as and when your business needs, meaning they offer a flexible approach to managing security risks.

Improved visibility: – Virtual CISO services will give you a better view of the threat activities and vulnerabilities that exist across your IT infrastructure.

Efficient resource allocation: – You will be able to focus solely on supporting business operations, whilst your vCISO focuses on strategising to protect your business from threats.

Why You Should Choose Mondas…

Flexible Resource

Our vCISO will work to meet your needs as and when they come, irrespective of complexity. Our service offers capabilities across all domains; from assistance in establishing goals, to implementing cyber protections, to ensuring compliance with regulations, we will be here to help. Whether it’s a short or long term project, we will be able to step in and drive the process for you, saving you the time and money it takes to hire your own internal team.

Skilled Staff

Our vCISO service utilises only the most highly experienced and accredited consultants to step in and act as your chief information security officer, and we will ensure that the individual we assign to your team is well equipped to manage your specific needs. Your vCISO will be further supported by our wider team of accredited analysts, meaning that you can be confident in our ability to enhance your security posture.

Specialist Support

Our consultants have gained a rich wealth of experience working as vCISOs for a wide range of organisations across a huge variety of industries. This means that they are highly attuned to the different challenges and obstacles which are currently facing businesses like yours. Accordingly, you can be confident in their ability to deliver successful and informed solutions for your organisation.

Cost Effective

Mondas is committed to providing advanced cybersecurity solutions at price points that work for all businesses. This means we will tailor our vCISO services to align with your budgetary constraints without compromising; we provide protection using expert consultants and leading technology in every engagement.

Tailored Solutions

Our services are fully adapted to the needs of each client. Each business boasts an entirely unique portfolio of vulnerabilities and assets that need managing, which means it is crucial for our experts to create security roadmaps which are specifically tailored to regulate these. We will assign a dedicated vCISO to your business, which will ensure that the individual you work alongside has a comprehensive understanding of your business and how to best protect it.

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Let’s get the ball rolling…

Mondas is here and ready to help. Fill out the form to let us know what we can do for you, and one of our experts will be in touch.